We want to create shareholder value.
Period. How does this translate to a successful strategy
involving our customers though?
Professional Services We want to create shareholder
value. We cannot keep doing that by delivering lousy service.
So we have to deliver good services. S3M – delivering good
services – makes happy
returning customers and paid invoices. Paid invoices and
happy customers create
shareholder value for S3M shareholders.
Technology ProductsWe want to create shareholder
value. Our products therefore have to deliver on expectations,
and meet objectives. So we cannot just play around with
software and systems, we need to know what we are doing and
make sure we keep ourselves informed about the latest trends.
Our products have to be easy to use, easy to maintain and
upgrade, easy to teach and understand, and thus, easy to sell.
Products that can demonstrate the ability to deliver and meet
expectations are easier to sell. Easy to use effective
software solutions makes happy
customers. Happy
customers pay invoices. Paid Invoices help in creating
shareholder value.
Customer OrientedWe want to create shareholder value.
Also for our customer. Delivering superior products and
services at competitive prices, keeps our customers winning
business. When our customers are winning business, they are
happy, and their shareholder
value can increase as well. When that happens, our happy customer can increase their
order book with us, which makes us happy. Our strategy then… is to do
what it takes to be – and remain – happy! We can then go home happily,
and forget about strategy-mategy for a little while, and enjoy
life outside work as well, to return to work inspired and
energized… |
Ability to DeliverAt S3M we believe that most people
working in IT, should not be in IT at all. An able
organization or team does not have to be composed of hundreds
of workers. Too large a team or IT workforce easily causes
misalignment between business and IT, and inefficiency spawns
from within such organizations, making any initiative
immediately an over-engineered task, with high risk of
failure. S3M consultants constantly focus on the question
whether as an individual, as a team and as an organization;
they are still able to deliver. This constantly raises the bar
and allows our customers to move or stay ahead of the pack.
Often with smaller teams, the agility to deliver becomes the
ability to deliver.
Will to AchieveThe will to move ahead is at least as
important as expertise, and while expertise can grow with
training and coaching, the internal drive to perform above
expectations is not easily acquired. That’s why S3M carefully
selects its consultants based on expertise AND internal drive,
and nurtures both through targeted training and enough space
and time for winding down, holidays, changes of landscape, and
recharging opportunities, so that the internal drive can be
sustained in high quality work-life balance.
Vision to InspireExpertise shared is expertise
multiplied, that’s why our consultants are frequently offered
opportunities to learn for their peers, specialists in their
domain, as well as share with others on their insights and
achievements. Throughout all this, the S3M-lined XR
(streamlined expertise repository) has become a valuable and
ever increasing source of human capital, of best practices and
of tools to hit the ground running in the most demanding of
situations where our consultants are called in.
Lean and MeanS3M rigorously applies Activity Based
Costing principles, and thus does not heavily invest in
offices, or other tangibles not actively contributing to a
sustainable added value. S3M team members work in flat
organizations with minimal hierarchy. At S3M we value
output-oriented benchmarking and rewarding structures, and
sharing experience and expertise. Our work has to meet high
quality expectations. So does our leisure time, as work-life
balance remains in focus!
Light and Green Natural light, natural resources,
renewable energy, hybrid and electric vehicles, passive
buildings and housing, cloud computing, relaxing and inspiring
background music, code re-use, rapid application development,
unusual benefits for employees (keeping everyone happy, you
know), extreme programming, agile and lean management, manage
by exception, at S3M you can find it all. All the time.